Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The U.S. military said the high cost of military satellite ...

U.S. Global Strategic Network 6 article said fear of over-reliance on military action was the PLA?s combat military satellites, the U.S. military and its allies are developing alternatives to satellite communications, such as high-altitude aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, airships, and even the balloons, etc., although the coverage of these alternatives less, but would place the U.S. in the global security system and other satellite facilities greater flexibility in the attack.

long-endurance UAV developed by the U.S. military response to China?s ability to play satellite

U.S. media said the U.S. has been that when a crisis of space satellites, the UAVs will be a key rescue equipment. U.S. very concerned about the U.S. space satellite, in particular, rely on global positioning system. This is particularly disturbed by the U.S. Navy, because of its ships at sea to rely on satellite communications. Although the ships at sea can rely on radio communications, but this communication is too slow in today?s world, in order to more effectively engage in action, the U.S. Navy to transfer more data. U.S. Air Force believes that China is developing the ability to hit the United States military satellites. They proposed solution is the global positioning system to leave orbit, and make it portable. High-altitude aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, or airship will take over the satellite communications, surveillance and navigation (GPS)-related matters, although its coverage small. This will enable the global security-bit systems and other satellite facilities, more flexible in the face of attack.

U.S. media said, this is the long-endurance UAV developed countries in the grounds. Currently, the number of sections in this world is developing unmanned aerial vehicles. They use are similar in concept, generally very light weight, the use of solar-driven electric motor, for communications relay or sensor (camera, etc.) to provide power, can be day and night operations, in the 20,000 to 30,000 meters altitude flight. To this end, the United States launched called ?vulture (Vulture)? R & D projects, the project aims to develop a way to stay in the air five years of the UAV. Currently, a three-month stay in the air of ?vulture? unmanned aerial vehicles ready for testing in preparation for next year. After that, the United States will develop a continuous flight of 12 months full-size version of the ?vulture? unmanned aerial vehicles. Finally, it will stay in the air for many years can develop a ?vulture? unmanned aerial vehicles, and (within five years) to the list of equipment. The final version of the ?vulture? UAV payload will reach 450 kilograms, can become a substitute for communication and reconnaissance satellites.

Britain are developing the ?wind? (Zephyr) unmanned solar-powered aircraft. The smaller UAVs, and last test flight two weeks in a row. This type of ?wind? UAV wingspan of 22.5 m, weight 50.1 kg, a payload of about 3 kg. Three years ago, a slightly smaller size of the ?wind? UAV successfully flight of 82 consecutive hours. Four years ago, ?wind? unmanned aerial vehicles for the first time long-endurance flight. Currently, the UK is developing multiple models, much larger ?wind? unmanned aerial vehicles.

?wind? unmanned aerial vehicles from the motor forward, the use of rechargeable batteries during the day by solar panels on the wing charge. During the day, solar energy can drive two propellers, and to charge the battery. Night, the battery provides all the necessary power to keep the aircraft flying, but will reduce one-third of the height (usually about 18,000 meters). ?Wind? with the ultimate goal is to high altitude (16,000 meters) consecutive months of flight time. Earlier ?wind? constructed of lightweight materials from the UAV, weighing only 30 kilograms. ?Wind? is most likely to work an alternative communications satellites for communications relay. At present the demand for such UAVs is growing, because the communications satellite expensive and require a long time to build and put into orbit.

to reduce weight, ?wind? does not set the UAV landing gear. The current version of the ?wind? unmanned aerial vehicles to take off from five people to lift the wind. ?Wind? UAVs will eventually fall on the ground, but because of the weight is small, so it will not cause great damage.

the high cost of military satellites regional ?satellite alternatives? to the trend

?vulture?, ?wind? and similar unmanned aerial vehicles known as high-altitude long-endurance aircraft, the basic propulsion slip by the help. Lightweight materials, solar panels and electronic components of the improvements are to make this possible the emergence of new unmanned aerial vehicles. Now, the sensors (various types of cameras and electronic detectors) become smaller, lighter and requires less energy. Therefore, the ?wind? UAVs have been considered to be the most cost-effective alternative to satellite communications products, it can periodically take still pictures, will be a few months of continuous flight time of strong UAV.

military satellite which is due to cheaper alternative to manned aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles out of the market as part of a trend. Even small, fast launch micro-satellites, the hourly cost of operation in the field above the alternatives is more than ten times. Now these alternatives include portable satellite communication or sensor-level balloons.

in the U.S. Air Force worried about the safety of the satellite at the same time, the U.S. Department of Defense is unable to face the United States to provide adequate satellite, communications satellite to meet the growing needs of the facts. Each tablet cost of communications satellites at least $ 250 million, or even of the most popular micro-satellites also need to spend about $ 025 million.

response to the U.S. Air Force considers that the use of equipment, satellite communications or intelligence unit balloons. High altitude ?satellite instead of? balloon balloons based on the existing design, but contains communications, surveillance or global positioning device, rather than meteorological sensors. As long as the communication satellite to receive and transmit the same signal, the device can be equipped to reach the high altitude (33 km) balloon, or even a few hours in the field at the top of the bomber or tanker to stay on. This communication is very effective. Fighting forces personnel are necessary for satellite communications in the same area around, so communications satellite substitutes (balloon or B-52) in which such work.

balloon meet the troops within a radius of 1000 kilometers needs. A B-52 or KC-135 tanker can cover a smaller area, but costs less than $ 25,000 in a single balloon and the balloon is often only perform a few tasks. Balloon after launch, after reaching the appropriate height on battery-powered transceiver, the use of computerized control devices, such as hot-air balloon to maintain the same position. Run a manner similar to low-flying balloon satellite, 8-12 hours after the battery will run out. Then the balloon deflated, landed by parachute to the ground. GPS signals can be positioning device platform, and then to repair and re-use.

the most useful aspect of the balloon is easy to carry, and can be inflated in any place by the special forces after the launch. Special reconnaissance forces are usually those who want to monitor the real-time video delivery back. These balloons can make this operation easier for the satellite, because it can also carry satellite grade sensors (all can be used in both day and night camera).

increased use of communications satellites is mainly because more and more of the field generated a lot of real-time video camera. In operation, the friendly exchanges between the videos. Therefore, the regional ?satellite alternatives? (to carry the balloon or aircraft communications devices) will do it. As a result, the satellite can act as substitutes, sustained flight at high altitude unmanned aerial vehicles has attracted people?s interest. These alternatives cost less than an hour with 10% of the satellite.

the 1990s, the shortcomings of communications satellites began to emerge, the U.S. military still in the development of high-profile satellite communications. This makes sense, especially troops are often forced to begin operations in remote areas, need a reliable way to keep the land and maritime forces with near, and the U.S. base and the headquarters of contact. Among them, the real-time video data bandwidth is accounted for. However, if there is no global positioning system, which will reduce the importance of UAV video, because many will not be easy attack, and not worthy of attack. Although the smart bombs in the back-up (inertial guidance) system, but the system is not accurate. (Spring)


Source: http://www.9abc.net/index.php/archives/62007

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